Monday, February 17, 2014

Just Wanna Be Here

I’ve never been much of a Jay Leno fan.  
I have nothing against him, just never really got into watching him.  
I’ve always seemed to gravitate more towards Dave.  
Maybe it’s our alumni status, bent towards sarcasm, or musical guests.  
But even with that, when EVERYTHING got political I even drifted away from Dave.

I watch a lot of ‘Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives’.  I like to watch food. (which is a topic for another time - I know, I have issues)

I started to watch Leno a couple of weeks before his final show and have come to this conclusion...

Jay Leno is the wisest man in history.

Allow me to explain...

During an interview with Matthew McConaughey, the story is told of the star’s first visit to The Tonight Show.  Leno asked the visibly nervous McConaughey if he wanted to know the secret to a successful show appearance.  McConaughey eagerly said, ‘yes’.
To which Leno replied...
“Just wanna be here.”

That’s when I realized that Jay Leno is a genius. 

See our problem is our propensity to always want to be somewhere else.

Because somewhere else...
doesn’t hurt
isn’t an inconvenience
or wasted time
or effort
or emotion

Because somewhere else...
I’m respected

Because ‘here’ is just a pothole-infested path to somewhere else and better...

What good could come about by simply wanting to ‘be here’?

Here’s the thing.  
The problem is ‘somewhere else’ will eventually become ‘here’ if we don’t learn something while we’re ‘here’ before we get ‘somewhere else’.

Hang with me.

I used to dream about being considered the world’s greatest drummer.  I would daydream about the travel, the money, the lifestyle.  
Never really panned out.

Here’s what I realized.  I really love to make music.  
I really love to play the drums.
So now, right here, I practice out of the very first book I took drum lessons from.  Why?
I love the drums right here.  
I want to be the best I can be, right here and now, and forget about how the world ranks me.
(I mean seriously, Adam Levine is declared the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ and I’m not even in the discussion?  The opinions of the world are fickle.)

So you’re on the JV?  No...YOU’RE ON THE JV!!!
You’re in the game.  You’re in the moment.  SEIZE IT!
What are you willing to do to make yourself the best you can be right here, right now?

You’re marriage doesn’t look like the sequel to ‘The Notebook’.  Honestly, whose does?
Just wanna be here.  Honor your commitment.  
Realize its a covenant, not a contract.

Sometimes you’ll want to be anywhere but with your spouse...
And ‘somewhere else’ will start to look really attractive.  Fixate on it long enough and you’ll eventually give yourself permission to move in that direction.

My wife married an idiot, but she’s committed to that idiot.
I’d be afraid to know how many times she’s made the choice to ‘just wanna be here’.

I wanted 2013 to go away as fast as possible.
I wanted to fall asleep (when I could fall asleep) and wake up somewhere else.
Where I didn’t hurt...
or doubt
or hate
or cry

Where I didn’t see friendships crumble.
Dreams die.
Where I didn’t feel like a failure.
Where I wasn’t scared.

I was wrong.

Right here I have...
a loving wife
amazing daughters
good friends
great family

Right here, right now...
I’ve got air in my lungs.
A beat in my heart.
And a spring (albeit somewhat ratchety) in my step.

But most importantly, I have a God who refuses to give up on me.
Who’ll never leave me or forsake me.
A God who whispers His love for me in the swirling of my doubts.
Who roars His promises into the face of my fears.
Who laughs when I fret over man’s plan for me...
because He knows the plans He has for me.

So from this moment on, I wanna be here.
To prove them wrong.
To instill in my kids faith, hope, conviction, and courage.
To make my wife glad she stays.

But mostly...
To be and unleash all that which God has made me to be and become.
To learn what I need to learn.
To change what I need to change.
To be who He created me to be.

To just wanna be here.

So here’s the announcement...
I just wanna be here.
With all the uncertainty and drama, laughter and tears.
I just wanna be here.
Fully engaged with purpose and passion.  
Swinging for the fences in how I live, love, and lead.  
I wanna be here.  
Let the games begin.

Somewhere the enemy just peed a little...

A few days before he passed away, my grandfather told me something I’ve forgotten too often recently...
“When you get the chance to do something, treat it like its the last time you’ll do it.  What mark do you want to leave?”

Or in other words...

Just wanna be here.

Jay Leno is a genius.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it
Psalm 118:24 NRSV


  1. Rebecca Hession was right; you are ABSOLUTELY worth following. Well. Done.

  2. And I KNOW God has amazing plans for you, right here, right now, because I see the wisdom He has given you to see truth. I also see how deeply you love and the passion that is still there, so as Kid President would say, Jon, "GO AND BE AMAZING!"

  3. This is so true. You always spoke of how God has a plan for each us. Some times we don't like his plan so much but we must believe and follow. God has great plans for you! You have helped many but God is NOT finished with you by any means!

  4. So true. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Loved this and well you know how I feel about you and your lovely family!!

  6. Well said Jon! Thanks for the reality check.

  7. Very good Jon..remember that He said, "I will never leave nor forsake you". "For I know the plans I have for you."
    Just wanna be here....."Be still and know I AM GOD."
