Monday, March 23, 2009

Laying my Isaac down...

Someone asked a question of me after the message on Sunday.
Did I "sacrifice" music begrudgingly?

I used too think so.

I used to think that there would be a time when I would proceed with my plans and go back to music as a career in some form or other.

That was my comfort zone.
That was my dream.

Problem was - it was strictly my dream.
I think God had other things in mind for me. And do you want to know a secret?
When music is what I pursured - I didn't like it much.
Want to know something else?

God never asked me to quit pursuing music - He asked me to pursue Him first.

Seems like when I do that I am in the place of most peace.
Do I still love to play - sure.
Now its just for the enjoyment of the song.
The way it was when I first picked up a pair of sticks.
The way it always should've been.