Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mark my words...

As the family sat together talking about the upcoming funeral service for their father/husband the subject of appropriate Scripture to be used came up.  Each of the family shared Scripture that meant something to them and was comforting at the current time.  All good stuff.

One of the kids asked to see an old blue Bible that was laying on the floor.  
"Whose Bible is this?" asked one of the children.  

"That was your father's"

Each of the family slowly began to smile
It was a very pleasant surprise

Their father's faith was so personal that there had been concern as to whether he had a strong faith at all
But this was dad's Bible...

As they opened the worn blue leather cover, another pleasant surprise awaited them

As they read from Romans 8 they realized
Romans 8 had been read over

And over
And over again

And with a simple pen this man that they so loved and respected marked the words of His creator
He marked those words so he could hold tight to them
He marked those words because they were truth and life

The phrase "mark my words" means give your attention to what I am saying because it it true and important 

I think God longs for us to "mark His words" and hold Him to His promises

Here's some I've marked lately - Psalm 119:50

Mark my words - He'll make good on His

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